This Sunday morning after having a heavy breakfast of potato stuffed paranthas (a perfect north Indian morning meal); I was trying to indulge in long sleep. But my five month old, Ananya my darling daughter, was screaming. She was cranky that morning and was wife was trying to calm her. Then my dad switched on the TV to watch his favourite news channel and that was adding spice to already noisy home. So, sleep was no where around me. In thoughts I was missing old days when I was a bachelor and sleeping for nearly whole day used to be my routine every Sunday after hectic weekdays. That was the golden period of my life when I had no responsibility and was like the lion in the jungle. I had not to share my laptop with my wife who is also an internet freak and could sit with laptop for hours. I had not to inform anyone if I was going out with friends for dinner or a bowling game. I was not answerable to anyone if I was getting late at night or was going to a drinks party. I could sleep for whole night on a sofa with TV switched on. I could wear my dirty socks for as many days as I liked and there was no one to keep a check if I had left the used towel in the bathroom. Then I thought I should get up and go for a long walk or visit a friend and then suddenly I saw Ananya was sleeping next to me with her tiny fingers wrapped around my finger. She seemed like an angel; seeing she made me forget all my previous thoughts and I knew deep within my heart that I will never want to replace my present life with anything else. I enjoyed caring for my family and being cared by them. Holding my daughter’s hand I drifted in a content sleep.
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